Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Internet the Cause of the Death of Newspapers

Agree: I was a news carrier from 1982-1983. This was my first job as a young teenager. My brother and I would troop through both good and bad weather to deliver newspapers all over my neighborhood in a suburb of NY. We delivered about 50 papers a day during the week and 75 on Saturday. I am actually surprised that I remember delivering the paper so vividly, considering how long ago it was. What I remember most was that we put the newspaper exactly where the customer wanted it. Some customers had boxes. Some wanted us to put it in their screen door. Others wanted the paper under their mat. We remembered where each paper should go and put it in place. In addition with that we collected our fees from the customers directly, even if it meant†¦show more content†¦Of all the â€Å"old† media, newspapers have the most to lose from the internet. Circulation has been falling in America, western Europe, Latin America, Australia and New Zealand for decades (elsewhere, sales are rising). But in the past few years the web has hastened the decline. In his book â€Å"The Vanishing Newspaper†, Philip Meyer calculates that the first quarter of 2043 will be the moment when newsprint dies in America as the last exhausted reader tosses aside the last crumpled ed ition. That sort of extrapolation would have produced a harrumph from a Beaverbrook or a Hearst, but even the most cynical news baron could not dismiss the way that ever more young people are getting their news online. Britons aged between 15 and 24 say they spend almost 30% less time reading national newspapers once they start using the web. Up to a podcast, Lord Copper? In this section * Who killed the newspaper? * When the spinning has to stop * Hold your breath * Of property and poverty * Whats that hissing sound? Reprints Related items * The newspaper industry: More media, less newsAug 24th 2006 * Compose yourselfApr 20th 2006 * News Corporation: Murdochs spaceMar 30th 2006 * News Corporation: Old mogul, new mediaJan 19th 2006 Related topics * United States * Newspapers * Arts, entertainment and media * Media * Journalism Advertising is following readers out of the door. The rush is almost unseemly, largelyShow MoreRelatedInformation Is Transmitted By Media912 Words   |  4 Pageswhy television, newspapers, and the Internet can inform people about different things. It is true that information through the newspaper can be provided as it is a way of communication. Today, many people still read the newspaper, but many things have change. Many people have stopped reading encyclopedias, newspapers, and books, because everything can be found on the Internet. However, the internet has made the rate of reading the newspaper decrease. 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