Monday, May 11, 2020

Essay about Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre - 1770 Words

Charlotte Brontes, Jane Eyre, a story of an unfortunate you whos morals and self-respect continue to fluctuate as she matures. Jane Eyre begins her life in the wrong place at the wrong time. During the novel, Jane endures love, hate and friendship, though maturity allows her to forgive. Settings surrounding Janes life alter her own ideas of self-acceptance, her actions taken to release herself from certain settings have effect on her. In the first few chapters, Bronte establishes Janes character as a young girl who is the object of hatred from her cousins and aunt. In Chapter Five, Jane encounters numerous problems with her cousin John. After a confrontation, Mrs. Reed forces her to the Red-Room for punishment. Though,†¦show more content†¦Befriending classmate, Helen Burns, Jane realizes a friend can help in improving herself. As Jane shows great progress in class Helen begins to have a religious effect on her. Though Jane does not always believe in Helens ideas she grows to respect them unlike, Mr. Brocklehurst who preaches his ideas. All the religious ideas Jane faces force her own ideas of self-respect and morals to constantly change. A new chapter in a novel is something like a new scene in a play (p.79), as Jane ends her nine year stay at Lowood, she accepts a governess job at Thornfield. Jane feels that a change in setting might allow her to grow more as her own person, opposed to living up to everyone else. In the beginning the tone of Thornfield attains a comforting but an eerie tone at the same time. Janes first night at Thornfield, she is greeted and welcomed by many of the servants. Mrs. Fairfax helps Jane to be comforted by warming and feeding her. Janes first few months at Thornfield have no encounters with the owner, Mrs. Rochester, though Jane experiences Bertha Mason, who as she knows is Grace Poole. Berthas effect on Jane makes her wonder the true reality behind the Thornfield house, and the historyShow MoreRelated Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre Essay1689 Words   |  7 PagesCharlotte Brontes Jane Eyre Jane Eyre was written in the mid-nineteenth century and is set during the Victorian period, at a time where a womens role in society was restrictive and repressive and class differences were distinct. A job as a governess was one of the only few respectable positions available to the educated but impoverished single women. Schools of the 19th century were strict, and they demanded much hard work and participation from the students, however, just the sameRead More A Plea for Help in Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre1563 Words   |  7 Pages One early example of anorexia is present in the novel Jane Eyre. Written in the mid-nineteenth century by Charlotte Brontà «, this book describes a young girl whose personality bears striking similarities with that of a diagnosed anorexic. 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