Monday, November 11, 2019

Essay: Case Study

G became aware what the counterpart has planned for the agenda and he was surprised and concerned about he detailed and long business meals and cultural trips without any information or expenditures, knowing that the companies budget is limited. Asking for more information, the local organizer of the counterpart ignored Mr†¦ G's requests, even the solicitation to speak with the boss, was rejected due to busyness and non-existent importance. At the end of the conference Mr†¦ G was surprised in the positive way, that the conference finally was a complete success.Why were the communication and the procedure of organizing the conference between the two parties so efferent? According to the theory of Edward T. Hall Is this, a classical example of monochrome and polychrome cultures. In polychrome cultures like in the example of the venue, time Is flexible. It Is accepted to do various things at once, agendas and business meals were extended at the pleasant way or laid, and cultur al events will be organized without consultation. Also communication, via emails like in the example of Mr†¦G, is not always enjoyable with people from this culture. Because of the different meaning of time. Time is wasted and not taken seriously because it can be changed in seconds; they have a constant state of flux. Scheduled events or plans can be discarded or changed immediately. They interact with several customers at once, and are entangled with each other. Arranging dates therefore is very difficult. In the view of Mr†¦ G, who is obviously a monochromatic type, is this situation awkward. He likes doing things one by one and in an accurate way.Plans or events are scheduled down to the last detail without Interruptions and In a linear way of time. It is important take ointments seriously without breaking deadlines. Monochromatic types are short- term oriented and therefore leisure time Is only accepted after the Job Is done and projects are promptly and satisfactory. Another culture difference, which occurs In this example, is the dimension of power distance from the theorist Egger Hefted. And expect that power will be allocated unequally. According to Hefted there are two differences, low power distance and large power distance.In large power distance cultures as in the case, employees are awaiting for instructions by their boss. They need to be told what to do, in the way it has to be done and they also accept the high differences in the range of salaries and executive positions. Mr†¦ G requested several times for more information's but Ms. K the local organizer ignored his objection, even a request for a conversation with the boss of the local organizer was denied due to busyness of the boss. Which means the boss has other important things to do and no one is allowed to interrupt him or to question his decisions.Here the subordinates accept the high power status, and when the boss gives the control way like in the case, organizing the e vent, neither Ms. K nor Mr†¦ G has to doubt about the planning progression of the international conference. In lower power distance culture, subordinates like Mr†¦ G and others superiors consider to be treated equally. Flat hierarchies are expected, without having differences in executive positions. That's why Mr†¦ G felt quite unsatisfactory to be treated unfairly. He only wanted to be well informed about the progression for the conference and be aware of new circumstances for his planned project.

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