Monday, September 23, 2019

Teacher and Gun in Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Teacher and Gun in Schools - Essay Example Public school teachers should not be armed because security is not their responsibility. Teachers are meant to impart knowledge to schoolchildren. There is no training of teachers that are meant to ensure that the child is secure while in school. Arming teachers will not help in resolving incidences of violence and shooting in the school. In fact, even if the teacher is armed he will not be concentrating on ensuring that school compound and classroom are secure. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the state, and school administrators to ensure that maximum protection is provided in school. This is because security lapse outside the classroom is the one leads to shooting in the classrooms. For example, if there was maximum security outside Connecticut, the gunman could not have accessed the children in their classrooms. On the other hand, arming teachers will have far-reaching consequences for children. Mostly, carrying the gun in school will frighten the children especially those never exposed to the gun before. This is likely to affect their academic performance in school. Others who may be exposed to guns in their homes may tend to sneak with guns in school, as this may perceive this as the acceptable culture. This is because they are likely to emulate their teachers. On the other hand, teachers carrying guns may lead to rising of the violent culture. Most of the children may grow up viewing violence as an acceptable thing in the society. For example, those children who tend to be exposed to guns at an early age are more likely to be violent in future (National Association of School Psychologist 2). Additionally, public school teachers accessing guns may lead to lack of concentration in school. This may occur to both children and teachers. The teachers are less likely to handle two things at a time. They cannot take care of security and at the same time teach children.

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